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Members Only

  • Facebook Classic

Google group contains our strategies, spreadsheets, and is our portal to important announcements that we make outside of our raids. Being a member of our Google group is mandatory for all raiders. You must have a google account in order to gain access.

Facebook is one of the ways we socialize together outside of raids. It is not mandatory as a raider to join, but we share a lot of laughs over Facebook and unofficial events may be planned through our Facebook group.

*Only current raiders can gain access to the Google Group.

*Any member or ex-member of Duh Winning can join our Facebook group.

We often discuss strategies, socialize, and have guild meetings through Mumble. You can find our Mumble information within the Guild Information tab in-game once you become a member of our guild.

Welcome to the members-only section of the web-site. Here you can find links to all of our member only information, including our strategies, and Facebook group. 


If you have not already used these features, you will need to request to join the group(s) before you can access our member only information. Please include the name of the toon you currently raid with when requesting to join. When you join our Google group please be sure to watch the introduction videos before getting started. Please also change your display name for the Google group to your toon's name.

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